AZÉZÉ: From The Wild To Dining Table As Sweetener
By Suleiman Ugbokhe In terms of usage, azézé rivals honey as a sweetening addictive to foods for consumption. Azézé, like honey, is from the wild. Whilst honey is produced by an insect - the bee - azézé is produced by human from a fruit (ulili) borne by a tree called ulili. Ulili tree Like honey, azézé can be used in garri (I think only my West African brethren understand that!), in tea, in pap , etc, as a sweetener. Azézé Production Process: You cannot pluck the fruits. The fruits are green when they are not yet mature and turn dark at maturity at which point they fall to the ground to be picked. The unripe (green) and ripe (dark) ulili fruits One can pick a few for direct consumption. All you have to do is to wash the fruits, peel off the tiny skin covering the fleshy part of the fruit and put the fruit in your mouth to suck the sweet flesh and discard the hard kernel upon which the flesh is built. To make the azézé, you need to collec...